Source code for tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tools to calculate water system
design aspects

from __future__ import print_function, division
from math import pi, acos, sqrt, ceil, exp
from Water import Imperial_properties as WATER

[docs]def coeffs(num_ERUs): '''C and F coefficients from the `2019 DOH Water System Design Manual Table 3-1 <>`__ :param num_ERUs: number of Equivalent Residential Units :type num_ERUs: int :return: C and F Coefficients :rtype: tuple (C, F) :Example: >>> from Water import tools >>> ERUs = 1500A = \\pi d^2 / 4 >>> C, F = tools.coeffs(ERUs) ''' if num_ERUs < 51: return 3.0, 0 elif num_ERUs > 50 and num_ERUs < 101: return 2.5, 25 elif num_ERUs > 100 and num_ERUs < 251: return 2.0, 75 elif num_ERUs > 250 and num_ERUs < 501: return 1.8, 125 elif num_ERUs > 500: return 1.6, 225 else: raise Exception("Number of ERU's must be a positive integer")
[docs]def PHD(MDD, num_ERUs): '''Peak Hour Demand Calculation from the `2019 DOH Water System Design Manual Table 3-1 <>`__ .. math:: PHD &= \\frac{ERU_{MDD}}{1440}(C N + F) + 18 \\text{where:} PHD &= \\text{Peak Hourly Demand, total system (gpm)} C &= \\text{Coefficent Associated with Ranges of ERUs} N &= \\text{Number of ERUs based on MDD} F &= \\text{Factor Associated with Ranges of ERUs} ERU_{MDD} &= \\text{Maximum Day Demand (gpd/ERU)} C and F coefficients are automatically calculated within PHD equation :param MDD: Maximum Day Demand (gpd/ERU) :type MDD: int :param num_ERUs: Number of ERUs based on MDD :return: Peak Hour Demand (gpm) :rtype: int/float ''' C, F = coeffs(num_ERUs) phd = (MDD/1440)*(C*num_ERUs + F) + 18 return phd
[docs]def equalizing_storage(PHD, Qs): '''Equalizing Storage calculation from the `2019 DOH Water System Design Manual Equation 7-1 <>`__ .. math:: ES &= 150(PHD - Q_s) \\text{where:} ES &= \\text{Equalizing Storage in gallons} :param PHD: Peak Hour Demand in gallons per minute (gpm) :type PHD: int/float :param Qs: total source supply (gpm) :type Qs: int/float :return: Equalizing Storage (gal) :rtype: int/float ''' return (PHD-Qs)*150
[docs]def standby_storage(N,SBi, Td=1): '''Standby Storage calculation from the `2019 DOH Water System Design Manual Equation 7-2 <>`__ .. math:: SB &= (N)(SB_i)(T_d) \\text{where:} SB &= \\text{Total Standby Storage component in gallons} :param N: number of Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs) based on MDD :type N: int :param SBi: locally adopted unit SB volume in gallons per day per ERU (gpd/ERU) :type SBi: int :param Td: Number of days selected to meet water system-determined standard of reliability, *default 1* :type Td: int :return: Total Standby Storage (gal) :rtype: int '''
[docs]def calc_hp(flow_rate, head, pump_eff=0.6, motor_eff=0.9): '''Horsepower calculation for pumping water .. math:: hp_{water}&=(Q)(TDH)\\bigg{(}\\frac{1\ psi}{2.308\ ft}\\bigg{)}\\bigg{(}\\frac{1\ hp}{1714 (psi\ gpm)}\\bigg{)} hp_{break}&=\\frac{hp_{water}}{\eta_{pump}} hp_{input}&=\\frac{hp_{break}}{\eta_{motor}} \\text{where:}\\quad \\eta_{pump} &= \\text{pump efficiency}, \\quad \\eta_{motor} = \\text{motor efficiency} :param flow_rate: pump flow rate in gallons per minute (gpm) :type flow_rate: int/float :param head: pump head in feet (ft) :type head: int/float :param pump_eff: pump efficiency, *default 0.6* :type pump_eff: float :param motor_eff: motor efficiency, *default 0.9* :type motor_eff: float :return: (water hp, break hp, input hp) :rtype: tuple :Example: .. code-block:: python from Water import tools # pumping parameters flow = 1000 # gpm head = 500 # ft of water water_hp, break_hp, input_hp = tools.calc_hp(flow, head) print(water_hp, break_hp, input_hp) >>> 126.26262626262626 210.43771043771042 233.81967826412267 ''' water_hp = (flow_rate*head)/3960 break_hp = water_hp/pump_eff input_hp = break_hp/motor_eff return (water_hp, break_hp, input_hp)
[docs]def velocity(flow, pipe_diam): '''calculate velocity through a pipe .. math:: v = \\frac{Q}{A} :param flow: flow (gpm) :type flow: int/float :param pipe_diam: pipe diameter (inches) :type pipe_diam: float :return: velocity (fps) ''' Q = gpm2cuftps(flow) d = pipe_diam/12 V = (4*Q)/(pi*d**2) return V
[docs]def flow(velocity, pipe_diam): '''Calculate volumetric flowrate through a pipe .. math:: Q = v A :param velocity: velocity (fps) :type velocity: int/float :param pipe_diam: pipe diameter (inches) :type pipe_diam: int/float :return: flow through a pipe (gpm) :rtype: float ''' d = pipe_diam/12 A = pi/4 * d**2 Q= cuftps2gpm(velocity * A) return Q
[docs]def gpm2cuftps(gpm): ''' Convert gallons per minute (gpm) to cubic feet per second (cuft/s) :param gpm: gallons per minute (gpm) :type gpm: int/float :return: cubic feet per second (cuft/s) :rtype: float ''' return gpm * 0.00222802
[docs]def cuftps2gpm(cuftps): ''' Convert cubic feet per second (cuft/s) to gallons per minute (gpm) :param cuftps: cubic feet per second (cuft/s) :type cuftps: int/float :return: gallons per minute (gpm) :rtype: float ''' return cuftps * 448.831169
[docs]def pipeDiameter(flow, velocity): '''Returns pipe diameter, given flow and velocity .. math:: d = \\sqrt{\\frac{4 Q}{\\pi v}} :param flow: flow in gallons per minute (gpm) :type flow: int/float :param velocity: velocity in feet per second (FPS) :type velocity: int/float :return: pipe diameter in inches :rtype: float ''' pipe_diam = sqrt(4*gpm2cuftps(flow)/(velocity*pi)) pipe_diam = pipe_diam * 12 return pipe_diam
[docs]def reynolds(pipe_diam, flow=None, vel=None, viscosity=WATER.kinematic_viscosity): '''Reynolds Number Calculation .. math:: Re = \\frac{\\mu D_h}{\\nu} :param pipe_diam: pipe diameter (inches) :type pipe_diam: int/float :param flow: flow (gpm), *default None* :type flow: int/float :param vel: velocity (fps), *default None* :type vel: int/float :param viscosity: kinematic viscosity of water (ft^2/s) *default 1.407E-5 ft^2/s* :return: Reynolds Number :rtype: int ''' d = pipe_diam/12 if flow: v = velocity(flow, pipe_diam) re = d * v / viscocity elif vel: re = d * vel / viscocity else: raise Exception('Must enter flow or velocity') return re
[docs]def volume_cyl(diameter, height): ''' calculate the volume of a cylinder :param diameter: diameter of cylinder :type diameter: int/float :param height: height of cylinder :type height: int/float :return: volume of a cylinder in consistent units :rtype: float ''' return (pi*diameter**2 / 4)*height
[docs]def volume_box(length, width, height): ''' calculate the volume of a box :param length: length of box :type length: int/float :param width: width of box :type width: int/float :param height: height of box :type height: int/float :return: volume of a box in consistent units :rtype: float ''' return length*width*height
[docs]def cuft2gal(cubic_feet): ''' cubic feet to gallon conversion :param cubic_feet: cubic feet :type cubic_feet: int/float :return: gallons :rtype: float ''' return cubic_feet*7.4805
[docs]def gal2cuft(gallons): ''' gallon to cubic feet conversion :param gallons: gallons :type gallons: int/float :return: cubic feet :rtype: float ''' return gallons/7.4805
[docs]def gal2acft(gallons): '''gallons to acre-feet conversion :param gallons: gallons :type gallons: int/float :return: acre feet :rtype: float ''' return gallons/325851
[docs]def acft2gal(acft): '''acre-feet to gallons conversion :param acft: acre feet :type acft: int/float :return: gallons :rtype: float ''' return acft * 325851
[docs]def cuin2gal(cubic_inches): '''cubic inches to gallons conversion :param cubic_inches: cubic inches :type cubic_inches: int/float :return: gallons :rtype: float ''' return cubic_inches/231
[docs]def gal2cuin(gallons): '''gallon to cubic inch conversion :param gallons: gallons :type gallons: int/float :return: cubic inches :rtype: float ''' return gallons * 231
[docs]def minor_loss(velocity, k_val ): ''' Uses `Minor Loss Equation`_ to calculate minor head loss through fittings in fittings_list. .. _Minor Loss Equation: .. math:: h_{minor} = K_L\\cdot \\frac{v^2}{2g} :param velocity: velocity (fps) :param k_val: K value :type velocity: int/float :type velocity: int/float :return: minor head loss (ft) :rtype: float ''' return k_val * velocity**2/(2*WATER.g)
[docs]def kinetic_loss(velocity): '''calculate the kinetic loss term in the bernoulli equation ..math:: \\frac{v^2}{2g} ''' return velocity**2/(2*WATER.g)
[docs]def ft2psi(ft_of_head): '''feet of head to pounds per square inch (psi) conversion :param ft_of_head: feet of head :type ft_of_head: int/float :return: psi :rtype: float ''' return ft_of_head * 0.433333333
[docs]def psi2ft(psi): ''' return psi to feet of head :param psi: pounds per square feet (psi) :type psi: int/float :return: feet of head :rtype: float ''' return psi * 2.3077
[docs]def hpn_size(cut_out, cut_in, num_cycles, max_flow, tank_diam, shape='horiztonal'): ''' Conventional hydro-pneumatic tank sizing calculation from the `2019 DOH Water System Design Manual Equations 9-2 and 9-3 <>`__ :param cut_out: P :sub:`1` nominal pump-off pressure (psi) :param cut_in: P :sub:`2` nominal pump-on pressure (psi) :param num_cycles: max number of cycles/hour/pump (Nc) :param max_flow: estimated max flow from 1 pump (Qp) :param tank_diam: diameter of tank (inches) :param shape: tank shape (must be 'horizontal' or 'vertical') :type cut_out: int/float :type cut_in: int/float :type num_cycles: int :type max_flow: int/float :type tank_diam: int/float :type shape: string :return: recommended volume for hydro-pnuematic tank :rtype: float ''' assert (shape == 'horizontal' or shape == 'vertical'), "shape must be horizontal or vertical" R = tank_diam/2 A_t = (pi*R**2) A_6 = (R**2 * acos((R-6)/R) - (R-6) * sqrt(2*R*6 - 6**2)) MF = A_t / (A_t - A_6) V = ((cut_out + 14.7)*15*max_flow*MF)/((cut_out-cut_in)*num_cycles) if shape == 'vertical': V += 0.0204 * tank_diam**2 return V
[docs]def bladder_size(cut_out, cut_in, num_cycles, max_flow, bladder_vol): ''' Bladder Tank sizing from the `2019 DOH Water System Design Manual`_ Equation 9-1 .. _2019 DOH Water System Design Manual: :param cut_out: nominal pump-off pressure in psi :param cut_in: nominal pump-on pressure in psi :param num_cycles: max number of cycles/hour/pump :param max_flow: estimated max flow from 1 pump :param bladder_vol: volume of bladder tank in gallons :type cut_out: int/float :type cut_in: int/float :type num_cycles: int :type max_flow: int/float :type bladder_vol: int/float :return: number of bladder tanks :rtype: int ''' R = 15*(cut_out+14.7)*(cut_in+14.7) / ((cut_out-cut_in)*(cut_in+9.7)) T = R*max_flow / (num_cycles * bladder_vol) return ceil(T)
[docs]def air_dump_valve_size(cut_out, cut_in, tank_vol, evac_time=5, info=False, **kwargs): '''"Air Dump" valve orifice size calculation. Sizes the minimum theoretical orifice diameter of an air release valve to evaculate a volume of air in a given period of time. This function assumes a starting water level in the tank at half full and a required dump air volume when the tank is empty. .. math:: A = \\frac{W}{C K P_1 K_b} \\sqrt{\\frac{T Z}{M}} where A = orifice area :param cut_out: nominal pump off pressure in psi :param cut_in: nominal pump on pressure in psi :param tank_vol: volume of H-PN tank in gallons :param evac_time: time to empty entire tank in minutes *default 5* :param info: print report *default false* :param \**kwargs: keyword arguments :type cut_out: int/float :type cut_in: int/float :type tank_vol: int/float :type evac_time: int :type info: boolean :type \**kwargs: dictionary :return: theoretical orifice size, if info==true then it will print a report :rtype: float :keyword arguments: :R: (*int/float*) - ideal gas constant in ftlb/Rankine *default 53.35* :T: (*int/float*) - air temperature in Rankine *default 527.7* :Z: (*int/float*) - compressibility factor *default 1* :C: (*int/float*) - gas constant based upon the ratio of specific heats *default 356* :K: (*int/float*) - coefficient of discharge *default 0.975* :k_b: (*int/float*) - backpressure correction factor *default 1* :M: (*int/float*) - molecular weight of of air in lbm/lbmol *default 28.97* ''' # Keyword arguments R = kwargs.get('R', 53.35) # R constant in ftlb/Rankine T = kwargs.get('T', 527.7) # Air temp in Rankine Z = kwargs.get('Z', 1) C = kwargs.get('C', 356) # gas constant K = kwargs.get('K', 0.975) k_b = kwargs.get('k_b', 1) M = kwargs.get('M', 28.97) # Calcs V_tank = tank_vol / 7.481 # cuft V_air = V_tank/2 # air vol in tank (half full) P_avg = (cut_out + cut_in)/ 2 # avg pressure # In No-Water Event... P_empty = P_avg * V_air / V_tank # in psi m = (P_empty*V_tank) / (R*T) * 144 # in lbs of air # theoretical orifice dims W = (m/evac_time) * 60 # mean dischage in lb/hr A = (W * sqrt(T*Z)) / (C * K * (P_empty + 14.7) * k_b * sqrt(M)) D = sqrt(4*A/pi) if info: report = ''' Pressure in No-Water Event = {0:.2f} psi Mass of Air in Tank = {1:.2f} lbs Mean Discharge Rate = {2:.2f} lbs/hr Theoretical Orifice Dims: Area = {3:.3f} in^2 Diameter = {4:.3f} in '''.format( P_empty, m, W, A, D) if D <= .5: report += '\nApco Valve #200 with 1/2" diameter OK' print(report) return D
[docs]def pressure_relief_valve_size(cut_out, tank_vol, capacity=None, info=False, **kwargs): ''' pressure relief valve sizing calculation for ASME VIII valve on a H-PN tank .. math:: A = \\frac{W}{C K P_1 K_b} \\sqrt{\\frac{T Z}{M}} where A = orifice area :param cut_out: nominal pump off pressure in psi :type cut_out: int/float :param tank_vol: volume of H-PN tank in gallons :type tank_vol: int/float :param capacity: required relieving capacity in SCFM *default None* (see note) :type capacity: int/float :param info: print a report of the results :type info: boolean :param \**kwargs: keyword arguments :type \**kwargs: dictionary :return: returns the minimum orifice diameter of a H-PN tank :rtype: float :keyword arguments: :R: (*int/float*) - ideal gas constant in ftlb/Rankine *default 53.35* :T: (*int/float*) - air temperature in Rankine *default = 527.7* :Z: (*int/float*) - compressibility factor *default 1* :K: (*int/float*) - coefficient of discharge *default 0.878* :k_b: (*int/float*) - backpressure coefficient *default 1* :M: molecular weight of air in lbm/lbmol *default 28.97* if capacity is **None** then it will use the WWS standard compressor capacity ''' R = kwargs.get('R', 53.35) T = kwargs.get('T', 527.7) Z = kwargs.get('Z', 1) C = kwargs.get('C', 356) K = kwargs.get('K', 0.878) k_b = kwargs.get('k_b', 1) M = kwargs.get('M', 28.97) orifice_area = {'D' : 0.121, 'E' : 0.216, 'F' : 0.337, 'G' : 0.553, 'H' : 0.864, 'J' : 1.415} # Calcs V_tank = tank_vol / 7.481 # cuft V_air = V_tank/2 # air vol in tank (half full) P_1 = round(cut_out * 1.1) # assuming California Air Tools Compressor flow rate if capacity is None: capacity = -.022*cut_out + 7.28 # CFM # mass of air per minute m_dot = (cut_out * capacity *144) / (R*T) # in lbs of air/min delta_m = ((P_1-cut_out)*V_air*144) / (R*T) m = (m_dot + delta_m) # lbs of air/min # theoretical orifice dims W = m * 60 # mean dischage in lb/hr A = (W * sqrt(T*Z)) / (C * K * (P_1 + 14.7) * k_b * sqrt(M)) D = sqrt(4*A/pi) if info: report = ''' Pressure Setpoint = {0:.2f} psi Volumetric Flow of Air Contribuited by compressor = {7:.2f} Mass of air contributed by compressor = {4:.2f} Mass of built up air to be discharged = {5:.2f} Total Mass of Air to be Discharged = {6:.2f} Mean Discharge Rate = {1:.2f} lbs/hr Theoretical Orifice Dims: Area = {2:.3f} in^2 Diameter = {3:.3f} in '''.format( P_1, W, A, D, m_dot, delta_m, m, capacity) print(report) return A
[docs]def resistance(velocity=None, headloss=None, K=None): ''' calculates resistance coefficient or headloss :param velocity: velocity in feet per second (FPS) *default None* :param headloss: head loss in feet of water *default None* :param K: resistance coefficient *default None* :type velocity: int/float :type headloss: int/float :type K: int/float :return: resistance coefficient or headloss :rtype: float ''' if headloss and not K: K = (2*WATER.g*headloss)/velocity**2 return K elif K and not headloss: headloss = K * (velocity**2/(2*WATER.g)) return headloss else: print('must enter headloss or K value')
[docs]def leakage(pipe_diam, test_pressure, linear_feet, hydrants=0, interties=0, valves=0, end_caps=0): ''' calculates AWWA allowable leakage for a pressure test on a water main .. math:: L = \\frac{N d \\sqrt{P_{test}}}{7400} :param pipe_diam: pipe diameter in inches (in) :param test_pressure: test pressure in psi :param linear_feet: length of pipe being tested (ft) :param hydrants: number of hydrants *default 0* :param interties: number of interties *default 0* :param valves: number of valves *default 0* :param end_caps: number of end caps *default 0* :return: water leakage in gph and gpm :rtype: tuple ''' lf = linear_feet/20 hyd = hydrants * 5 vlv = valves * 2 N = lf + hyd + interties + vlv + end_caps L_gph = N * pipe_diam * sqrt(test_pressure) / 7400 L_gpm = L_gph/60 return L_gph, L_gpm
[docs]def makeup_water(diam_before, diam_after, depth_before, depth_after): ''' Enter dimensions of frustrum or cylynder to return volume. :param diam_before: container diameter before pumping :param diam_after: container diameter after pumping :param depth_before: water level before pumping :param depth_after: water level after pumping :type diam_before: int/float: :type depth_after: int/float :return: volume of water in a cylindrical or conical container :rtype: int/float ''' h = abs(depth_before - depth_after) V = (pi * h * (diam_before**2 + diam_before*diam_after + diam_after**2)) / 12 return V
[docs]def wellhead_CFR(Q, H, n=0.22, t_list=[1,5,10]): ''' Returns fixed radius wellhead contribution zones (CFR) from the `2019 DOH Water System Design Manual`_ Equation 9-1 .. _2019 DOH Water System Design Manual: :param Q: pumping rate in cubic ft/yr :param H: well open interval in ft :param n: aquifer porosity *default 0.22* :param t_list: times in years *default [1, 5, 10]* :type Q: int/float :type H: int/float :type n: float :type t_list: list :return: radii of well contribution zones for listed years :rtype: list ''' r = [sqrt(Q*t/(pi*n*H)) for t in t_list] return r
[docs]def max_pump_elevation(elevation, NPSHr, Losses, SF=1.5, **kwargs): '''Returns maximum elevation pump suction can be above water level :param elevation: elevation of pump in ft :param NPSHr: net positive suction head required in ft :param Losses: suction side head loss in ft :param SF: safety factor *default 1.5* :param \**kwargs: keyword arguments :type elevation: int/float :type NPSHr: int/float :type Losses: int/float :type SF: int/float :type \**kwargs: dictionary :return: maximum pump elevation ft :rtype: int/float :keyword arguments: :Pb: (*int/float*) - barometric pressure in inches Hg *default 29.92126* :Tb: (*int/float*) - temperature in Kelvin *default 288.15* :R: (*int/float*) - R constant in lbft^2 *default 89494.56* :g: (*int/float*) - gravity in ft/s^2 *default 32.17405* :M: (*int/float*) - molar weight of air in lb/lb-mol *default 28.9644* :Pv: (*int/float*) - vapor pressure of water at 50F in feet *default 0.75* Negative number indicates ft of head that must be supplied to suction line. Positive number indicates how far pump can be above water level. ''' # Barometric Pressure Constants Pb = kwargs.get('Pb', 29.92126) # in. Hg Tb = kwargs.get('Tb', 288.15) # K R = kwargs.get('R', 8.9494596*10**4) # lb·ft^2 g = kwargs.get('g', 32.17405) #ft/s^2 M = kwargs.get('M', 28.9644) # lb/lb-mol Pv = kwargs.get('Pv', 0.75) # vapor pressure of water at 50F in ft # atm pressure at elevation P = Pb*exp((-g*M*elevation)/(R*Tb)) # convert inches Hg to ft of head P = P*1.132925 # max pump height Z = P - NPSHr - Losses - Pv - SF return Z
########## Test Script ############ if __name__=="__main__": print('test script:') # Peak Hour Demand Calcs phd= PHD(100, 75) phd2 = PHD(50, 200) # Horse Power Calcs water_p, break_p, input_p = calc_hp(100, 120, 0.65, 0.95) water2_p, _, _ = calc_hp(230,50) # Flow and Velocity Calcs Q = 50 # gpm d = 6 # inches v = velocity(Q, d) q_func = flow(v, d) d_func = pipeDiameter(Q,v) # Reynolds Number Re = reynolds(d, vel=v) Re_q = reynolds(d, flow=Q) # Volume Calculations vol1 = volume_cyl(5, 10) vol2 = volume_box(5, 10, 20) # cubic feet to gallon conversion gals = cuft2gal(1000) # allowable leakage calc leak_gph, leak_gpm = leakage(8, 245, 1460, 1, 2, 3) # makeup water volume (volume of a frustrum) mw = makeup_water(18, 17.5, 19, 18) # bladder tank sizing bt = bladder_size(86, 67, 6, 90, 34) # output string out = ''' PHD = {0:.2f} gpm PHD2_raw = {1:f} hp_w1 = {2:.2f} hp hp_b1 = {3:.2f} hp hp_i1 = {4:.2f} hp hp_raw = {5:f} flow input = {6:.1f} gpm pipe diameter input = {7:.1f} in calculated velocity = {8:.2f} fps calculated flow = {9:.2f} gpm \r calculated diameter = {10:.2f} in Reynolds Number = {11:.0f} Reynolds Number given flow = {12:.0f} vol1 = {13:f} vol2 = {14:.2f} gallons = {15:.2f} allowable leakage = {16:.2f} gph or {17:.3f} gpm makeup water = {18:.3f} cubic inches or {19:.3f} gals number of bladder tanks = {20:.1f} tanks '''.format( phd, phd2, water_p, break_p, input_p, water2_p, Q, d, v, q_func, d_func, Re, Re_q, vol1, vol2, gals, leak_gph, leak_gpm, mw, cuin2gal(mw), bt) print(out) pressure_relief_valve_size(95, 500, info=True)