from __future__ import print_function, division
from math import pi, acos, sqrt
from Water import tools
[docs]class Tank:
'''Defines Tank object to calculate storage and other tank properties.
:param \**kwargs: keyword arguments
:type \**kwargs: dictionary
:return: Tank object
:rtype: object
:keyword arguments:
:name: (*string*) - tank name
:diameter: (*int/float*) - tank diameter in ft
:height: (*int/float*) - tank height in ft, *default 0*
:length: (*int/float*) - tank length in ft, *default 0*
:width: (*int/float*) - tank width in ft, *default 0*
:freeboard: (*int/float*) - distance from the top ring of tank to the highest water level in ft, *default 0*
:deadstorage: (*int/float*) - distance from the lowest water level to the bottom of the tank in ft, *defalut 0*
:elevation: (*int/float*) - tank's base elevation in ft, *default 0*
:shape: (*string*) - tank shape ('horizontal', 'vertical', or 'box'), *default 'vertical'*
:operational: (*int/float*) - operational storage partition in ft, *default 0*
:equalizing: (*int/float*) - equalizing storage partition in ft, *default 0*
:standby: (*int/float*) - standby storage partition in ft, *default 0*
:fire: (*int/float*) - fire-flow storage partition in ft, *default 0*
# properties for 30 ft diameter 45 ft tall cylindrical storage tank
tank_data = {
'name' : 'Tank 1',
'diameter' : 30,
'height' : 45,
'freeboard' : 2,
'deadstorage' : 1,
'elevation' : 230,
tank_1 = Tank(**tank_data)
# or tank object can be instantiated with individually specified parameters
tank_2 = Tank(name='Tank 2', diameter=30, height=45)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): = kwargs.get('name')
self.diameter = kwargs.get('diameter') # ft
self.height = kwargs.get('height', 0) # ft
self.freeboard = kwargs.get('freeboard', 0) # ft
self.deadstorage = kwargs.get('deadstorage', 0) # ft
self.elevation = kwargs.get('elevation', 0) # ft
self.shape = kwargs.get('shape', 'vertical') # 'vertical' 'horizontal' 'box'
self.length = kwargs.get('length', 0) # ft
self.width = kwargs.get('width', 0) # ft
self.operational = kwargs.get('operational', 0) # ft
self.equalizing = kwargs.get('equalizing', 0) # ft
self.standby = kwargs.get('standby', 0) # ft = kwargs.get('fireflow', 0) # ft
def area(self):
'''returns cross-sectional area of tank in sqft'''
if self.shape == 'vertical' or self.shape == 'horizontal':
a = pi * self.diameter**2 / 4
elif self.shape == 'box':
a = self.width * self.length
print('tank shape must be vertical, horizontal or box')
a = None
return a
def vol(self):
'''returns dry volume of tank in gallons'''
if self.shape == 'horizontal':
return self.horizontal_vol(self.diameter)
return tools.cuft2gal(self.area * self.height)
def useable(self):
'''returns useable volume of tank in gallons'''
if self.shape == 'horizontal':
v_dead = tools.cuft2gal(self.horizontal_vol(self.deadstorage))
v_free = tools.cuft2gal(self.horizontal_vol(self.freeboard))
return self.vol - v_dead - v_free
return tools.cuft2gal((self.height - self.deadstorage - self.freeboard) * self.area)
[docs] def horizontal_vol(self, height):
'''calculate filled volume of horizontal tank at a specific height
.. math::
A_w &= \\pi r^2 - r^2 arcos\\big{(}\\frac{(r-h)}{r}\\big{)} + (r-h)\\sqrt{2rh - h^2}
V &= A_w \cdot L
:param height: water level
:type height: int/float
:return: water volume (gallons)
:rtype: float
L = self.length
R = self.diameter/2
h = height
v = L*(R**2 * acos((R-h)/R) - (R-h) * sqrt(2*R*h - h**2))
return tools.cuft2gal(v)
def _horizontal_vol_dict(self):
'''returns a dict of volumes at heights ranging from 0 to self.diameter
This is used to get the water level in a horizontal tank, given the water
volume. Opted to just create a "lookup table" rather than solve for h.
L = self.length
R = self.diameter/2
l = self.diameter/1001
h_arr = [l* x for x in range(1001)] # create an array much like np.linspace
vol = []
for h in h_arr:
vol.append(L*(R**2 * acos((R-h)/R) - (R-h) * sqrt(2*R*h - h**2)))
vol_lookup = dict(zip(vol, h_arr))
return vol_lookup
[docs] def getPercent(self, vol, of_vol):
'''simple percentage calculation used to get the tank
volume percentage of total system volume
:param vol: tank or partition volume (numerator)
:param of_vol: total system or tank volume (denominator)
:type vol: int/float
:type of_vol: int/float
:return: percentage of total/system volume
:rtype: float
p = vol/of_vol
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
return None
return p
[docs] def getHeight(self, vol, units='gal'):
'''calculates the water level in ft at given volume
:param vol: water volume
:param units: units volume is given ('gal' or 'cuft')
:type vol: int/float
:type units: string
:return: water level in ft
:rtype: float
units = units.lower()
assert (units == 'gal' or units == 'cuft'), "units must be either 'gal' or 'cuft'"
if units == 'gal':
v = tools.gal2cuft(vol)
elif units == 'cuft':
v = vol
if self.shape == 'horizontal':
v_dict = self._horizontal_vol_dict()
# select height from v_dictionary if present, else take the closest lower value
h = v_dict[vol] if vol in v_dict else v_dict[min(v_dict.keys(), key=lambda k: abs(k-vol))]
return h
h = v/self.area
return h
[docs] def getInfo(self, SB=0, ES=0, OS=0, FFS=0, total_vol=0, details=False):
'''returns string of the current tank properties
:param SB: system's required standby storage in gallons, *default 0*
:param ES: system's required equalizing in gallons, *default 0*
:param OS: system's required operational storagein gallons, *default 0*
:param FFS: system's required fire-flow storage in gallons, *default 0*
:param total_vol: total system volume
:param details: show storage partition details
:type SB: int/float
:type ES: int/float
:type OS: int/float
:type FFS: int/float
:type total_vol: int/float
:type details: boolean
:return: tank object information, if details True it shows storage partition volumes and heights
relative to whole system
:rtype: string
if self.shape == 'horizontal':
info = f'''
{} \r\n
Base Elevation:------------- {self.elevation} ft
Orientation:---------------- {self.shape}
Tank Length:---------------- {self.length} ft
Tank Diameter:-------------- {self.diameter} ft
Tank Cross-Sectional Area:-- {self.area:.1f} ft^2
Total Volume:--------------- {self.vol:.1f} gal
Effective Volume:----------- {self.useable:.1f} gal
elif self.shape == 'box':
info = f'''
{} \r\n
Base Elevation:------------- {self.elevation} ft
Orientation:---------------- {self.shape}
Tank Length:---------------- {self.length} ft
Tank Width:----------------- {self.width} ft
Tank Cross-Sectional Area:-- {self.area:.1f} ft^2
Total Volume:--------------- {self.vol:.1f} gal
Effective Volume:----------- {self.useable:.1f} gal
info = f'''
{} \r\n
Base Elevation:------------- {self.elevation} ft
Orientation:---------------- {self.shape}
Tank Height:---------------- {self.height} ft
Tank Diameter:-------------- {self.diameter} ft
Tank cross-sectional area:-- {self.area:.1f} ft^2
Total volume:--------------- {self.vol:.1f} gal
Effective volume:----------- {self.useable:.1f} gal
if details:
perc = self.getPercent(self.useable, total_vol)
vols = [vo * perc for vo in [FFS, SB, ES, OS]]
# height referenced from base of tank
total_h = self.getHeight(sum(vols)) + self.deadstorage + self.freeboard
ds_vol = tools.cuft2gal(self.deadstorage*self.area)
fb_vol = tools.cuft2gal(self.freeboard*self.area)
total_calc_vol = ds_vol + fb_vol + sum(vols)
info +=f'''
Storage Partition |\tVol (gal) | Height(ft)
Dead Storage\t{ds_vol:.1f}\t\t{self.deadstorage:.1f}
return info
if __name__=='__main__':
print("Test Script")
horiz_tank_data = {
'name' : 'horizontal tank',
'diameter' : 8,
'length' : 22,
'freeboard' : 1,
'deadstorage' : .1,
'elevation' : 100,
'shape' : 'horizontal'
vert_tank_data = {
'name' : 'vertical tank',
'diameter' : 8,
'height' : 22,
'freeboard' : 1,
'deadstorage' : .1,
'elevation' : 100,
'shape' : 'vertical'
h_tank = Tank(**horiz_tank_data)
v_tank = Tank(**vert_tank_data)
total = v_tank.vol + h_tank.vol
rep1 = h_tank.getInfo()
rep2 = v_tank.getInfo()
rep3 = h_tank.getInfo(SB=1000, ES=1000, OS=1000, total_vol=total, details=True)
rep4 = v_tank.getInfo(SB=1000, ES=1000, OS=1000, total_vol=total, details=True)